Month: February 2014

Jungle Away; The Time To Dishunt Is Now

I feel the judgment is enough!
I have seen many sour waters, streaming down the brown muddy rivulet.
Even the bumps and ridges cannot stop the freshet; it passes right through it.

Enough with the stares!
A wrong decision, a thousand eyes, many bitter words, a different perception.
All lasting a lifetime in that little niche.
Her patent leather shoes stepped in shit, and even after a thousand baths.
She still reeks, reeks of less attraction minute by minute.

It’s really getting claustrophobic!
I can’t seem to understand how she gets the surge to live each day,
How she manages to put up that toothy grin.
She is strong, stronger than Mike Tyson.
Stronger than I ever was.

I remember a time!
Where her hand used to shoot up, every damn lesson;
I used to join her, after all, I wanted to be teacher’s favorite.
At least I thought that was what she was doing.
But I guess we never really understand the workings of the human mind,
Even when we laugh, tease, chat. With each other.
I guess all I saw was the annoying female, who had a boyfriend of two years,
Who was always questioning teachers, who always demanded for more.
I saw the ever enthusiastic girl who tried to foreskin her way to the top.
That’s all my myopic eyes could ever allow. But my hyperopia set in;
just after an eighth of a decade.

I never recalled seeing that mouse in the world of lions and elephants.
Funny, because that was just me, you, everyone.
At one point in our lives, at certain circumstances. That was us.
I never recalled her timid squeak amongst the intimidating roars,
I never saw her compare herself to the felines in her family.
I never saw the aged, frown wrinkles. Those dreary wrinkles; they were covered up with #TeamForeverFine.
Her mantra was her make-up. Always diluting outside intervention in her mix,
Always blocking us from the obvious.

The hypothesis we had of her was just that: A hypothesis.
One we believe we could tag her with, so the balance of our jungle would be complete.
The annoying Meer cat with their annoying chirrups, or trills! She was that animal.
Just to add to that amazing variety of animals, completing the jungle, so it can be said:
Survival of the fittest.
Well then, remove that smoke screen which allows you to see the animals in 3D, and face reality.
They are just all mice; timid church mice, all trying to take steroids but seriously failing to cover up
in this reality. We see all of you. Every single little inch. Because.

The worldly myopia is finally cured. Poof! It’s all gone now.

The Far Near Boy

His hugs are firm; strong even more so.
His smile is inviting; a million promises they offer.
His bridge always carrying the weight of his help;
He is telling her to burden him.
Assuring her even when he is with the palest of people,
he will be some bits…bytes away.
Admiration she only feels.

Admire, she does so:
From afar because pretend he will not; she hopes so.
From afar because to please her is not his aim,
but rather to render this service, his ever-nice self to others.
That’s his ethos, an admirable one.
From afar, because meek church mouse her, cannot face,
face the ever kind, but strong contour lines marring his face,
intimidating her into quietness.
He is indeed a ruler.
The ruler of his bearing.

The king he was born as, was indeed a fitting role.
Caring for others, courses through his veins; he just needs
His own kingdom.
Always a ray of sunshine in their lives,
With the soothing sultry baritone to leave the fan girls hot.
Hot under the blue light as he sways them away from reality,
Reality to terrestrial.
Only until 00.00
How can church mouse not fawn.


Both hearts are taken.
XY, in a world filled with words, hearts,
and time-conscious  partners.
The double X in another part of Africa,
Where that foreign tone lulls him to slumber, sweet sensual slumber.
His work done, his body tired. Another oeuvre completed.
Filled with praises he owns!
Church mouse kicked out of the line; next homo sapiens please.
He’s another’s near, and forever her afar.